Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I started with a sound called fat ass for my intro, then i threw in a old school preset beat and a good bass line, then after some snapping and yelling the word go i bring the fat ass back in, gradualy switch to some kicks, then ended it fast with more go's. I used the delay effect on the go voice, and choruse on the fat ass. I was influenced by a spaish rap song i heard.


  1. i really like the sound of the bass and the feel of the song sounds good bro

  2. For showcasing the sue of effects, you did well. I heard the echo on the "Go", the chorus on the bass, and the reverb on the snapping sound. Nothing is too complicated, and all of the parts fit together.

  3. Nice. Funky, flows, sounds cool, all things that are good. like the song. nice choice of effects.
